Axe Bass Guitar

This project was kind of my intro to the art of prop making. It started out as me wanting to build my own playable bass guitar, that just so happened to be modeled after one of my favorite guitars from any media. The measurements were all to spec with a normal bass guitar, standard everything really, but I made one huge mistake that changed the nature of the project. I used MDF for the body and a 2x4 for the neck. It wasn't until after shaping each piece of wood that I realized you can't use cheap shitty materials to make professional-sounding instruments. Who woulda thunk it? Anyways it was at that point I had a little more fun with the project, knowing tiny mistakes wouldn't be critical to the functionality of the now-prop. Overall I'd say it turned out pretty well, though if I were to continue making props of this fashion, I wouldn't make them classifiable weapons from their weight.

You can check out the full gallery with the link to the left.